Donna Grandi, DNP
Using a spirit-mind-body approach that is rooted in the connection between spirituality and science, Dr. Donna Grandi focuses on caring for each patient as a unique individual. Her belief is that we are all endowed with the wisdom and strength that help us live our very best life. READ MORE…
Dr. Donna Grandi is a doctoral prepared Nurse Practitioner (DNP) who has practiced Integrative Medicine for over 30 years. As a Nurse Practitioner she is dual board certified in family practice and psychiatry. In addition she has completed postdoctoral formal studies in both functional and metabolic nutritional medicine. Dr. Grandi fundamental practice model is rooted in integrative medicine-psychiatry. She works with patients across the lifespan with a myriad of health conditions including but not limited to:
Women’s Neuro-Endocrine
Women’s Health
Mental Health Conditions
Depression Disorder(s)
Bipolar Disorder(s)
Anxiety Disorder(s)
Sleep Disorder{s)
Attention Disorder(s)
Dual Diagnosis Addiction
Autoimmune Disorder{s)
Brain Gut Connection
Telepsychiatry- Telemedicine
provides psychiatric and medical patient care through a HIPPA complaint audio video platform that improves patient access and continuity of mental health specialty care by removing the common barriers of healthcare such as transportation, schedule demands and infection control.
Integrative Psychiatry-Medicine
is the practice of integrating evidence-based conventional (allopathic) medical treatments with evidence-based non-conventional methods (functional medicine) that supports a myriad of chronic mental and physical health conditions.
Teletherapy - TeleEducation
Transpersonal Psychiatry-Psychology / Meditation Sessions (breath and sitting) / Integrative Psychiatry-Medicine Webinars / Integrative Psychiatry Medicine Group Forums / Transpersonal Group Forums / Transpersonal Group Forums.
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